Tuesday, August 30, 2005

My dil goes mmmm...

...every time I hear this song - all three versions of it :)
And when, my long-lost friend calls me to tell me that he is majorly crushing on someone after eons, my dil goes mmmm...The Return of Hope.
My dil went mmmm when my cousin and I picked up a paintbrush (after, guess what, eons!) here.
My dil is going MMMM (loud and excited!) at the prospect of the long weekend...looking forward to spend it with loved ones enjoying some of the famous Oregon outdoors before summer totally leaves us.
My dil went "mmmm..my arteries are clogging" when we ate ice-cream from Coldstone Creamery - the bestest ice-cream I've had for a long time. Maybe ever. It had strawberry, banana, vanilla, roasted almonds, crushed KitKat candy, pineapple pieces..Yummmy for the tummy, as my friend says!
My dil went mmmm when I succeeded in introducing three more people to a movie that's close to my heart. And even louder when they loved it too.
On my way back to Portland from Seattle this Sunday, as I was traveling in the train, I sat next to an old woman who taught me so much in a few minutes...that's another post, another day, possibly. Anyway, talking to her filled me with hope, wonder and awe at her grace and wisdom, and my heart went, mmmm..I want to be an old woman like you one day!
Also when I come back from a day at work wondering whether I am accomplishing anything at all in my career and what to eat for dinner, and what my bank account looks like, and what my boss thinks of me...and I see a rainbow break the bleak Oregon sky with the reminder of life's transcience, beauty, unexpectedness, and rewards when we open our eyes and hearts to it.
My dil goes mmmm...I feel lucky!
Little post-script: My dil and my voice are both going mmmm..over Fuzon. Not often have I loved all the songs in a single album the first time I hear them. This guy's voice is going to haunt me all week at least..especially "Mora saiyaan" and "Tere bina" and "Ae Chaand"..heck..all the songs!


Blogger Parth said...

Yummy for the tummy :-) I wonder how all intelligence is related to matters a few inches below the heart. Kind of thing I'd say to myself, I suppose :-) After cold stone creamery icecream, that is

5:14 PM  
Blogger sd said...

Ya - nice song - I have been hearing it very often last few days! and nice post too. Waiting for the gyan from the old lady

10:58 PM  

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