Thursday, April 21, 2005

Somewhere only we know

How many times have you tried re-telling a story or a funny incident but it comes out less than funny...And you leave the person thinking you've had one too many, and try to gracefully bow out saying, "You had to be there!"
Well, that happened recently, and however much I try to explain it in words, the experience was such that only the people involved would have thoroughly "got it". We sometimes need to go back to those memories and those times to relive those feelings.
On the other hand, every moment we live has none like it in the past or the future. Someone wise once said, "A man can never cross the same river twice because he is no longer the same man and the river is no longer the same river". I secretly believe though, that sometimes we need to get as close to crossing that river again and again, just to feel that feeling. It helps if we had crossed it with someone who knows how much that meant to you or helped create and shared that experience. (I know, this is an unusually ambiguous ramble, but I don't know..words are have to be in my head you know!)
That brings me to my current obsession - the song "Somewhere only we know" by Keane. I admit I haven't heard any other songs of theirs, but friends of mine have, and some of them saw them in concert and swear that they're the Next Big Thing. This song goes down smooth, and yet, leaves a lump in the throat. Especially if you are in that mood, you know, when songs and cheesy lyrics and movies like Jerry Maguire can get to you.


Blogger dinesh said...

"A man can never cross the same river twice because he is no longer the same man and the river is no longer the same river".

Though I agree with this, I have this thought sometimes. The combination of newer rivers that are yet crossed and the newer person in you sometimes create the promise of the sensation encountered before. A Deja vu of sorts !

9:10 PM  
Blogger RS said...

And to add to the ambiguity, sometimes I want to be crossing the same rivers as the same person I was before so much that I forget I am in the process of crossing a new river as a new person, and a few years later, I may want to be this person again, but I just dont realize it now, when I need to.

1:29 PM  
Blogger RTD2 said...

Sigh..we live life without realizing we are living life! If we do realize it, it ruins the experience..sort of like trying to analyze a feeling. As soon as u try to dissect it, it's gone! The Heisenberg principle with a twist :)

7:08 PM  
Blogger shod said...

went on n heard the song ... its beautiful :-)

3:23 PM  

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