Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Do you want to know a secret?

"I do-aah-do
Do you promise not to tell?
I do-aah-do"
Okay..not a Beatles tribute (at least not today!).
But if you do want to know a secret, or maybe several, check this out. I heard about this on the radio and it totally intrigued me.
What is it about being anonymous that gives us such an incredible sense of freedom? (Can you name a single superhero who is not disguised?) When I used to teach Intro to Psychology, I'd do an exercise in class where I'd tell my students to write down what they would do if they could be completely anonymous - about 85% of them always said they'd rob a bank or some version of that!
What would you do? What would you confess if you know nobody would ever trace it to you? What are you dying to tell?

Okay..current obsession: The Thyagaraja festival of Carnatic music in Cleveland. Just came back from a Ravi Kiran concert..awesome!


Blogger Parth said...

The site was very interesting. Made me think what I would post out there. In effect, that would answer the most difficult question one faces in life. What do you REALLY want to do?

10:19 AM  
Blogger phucker said...

Interesting - I'm also boring enough to say that robbing a bank would have been on the top list of things to do as well... but only in America, because all the banks are FDIC insured, which means at least the small savers wouldn't lose their money because of me - totally guilt free :-)

5:33 PM  
Blogger RTD2 said...

Very few people take your view of it,'s more of a release than a fantasy fulfillment (though both of those could very well be combined!)..And Tarun, at least you're a concerned and thoughtful would-be bank robber!

9:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting question. I thought about this for a while and I haven't been able to think of what I would do if I had the power of anonymity ? I can say this however. I think we've become so pragmatic in life that it's hard to imagine the answer to a question like such, without thinking about the consequences (not necessarily with the society etc, could very well be "facing yourself") I guess it defeats the purpose of the question if you thought about the consequences eh ?

7:56 AM  

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