Sunday, October 31, 2004

The times, they are a-changing...

Another day, another post, another song for a title! This time, pesh karte hain..Bob (Bawb in the mid-west) Dylan! I picked that song because it represents what's going on..the time changed last night so that we gained an hour today in the crazy daylight-saving/standard time ritual most parts of this country goes through twice a year. What amazes me is that millions of people can be persuaded to change their entire routine, 'save daylight' etc. by a simple action of twisting a dial or clicking on a number! If only all change was that simple! What REALLY amazes me is parts of the country that rebel against this ritual and refuse to switch their clocks..Arizona, Hawaii and some counties in Indiana (which, as a result, has about 3 time zones simultaneously at any given time!).
Another thing that's a-changing is the weather. I swear, Akron's crazy..this time two weeks back, I was wearing jackets and hats and cussing about the 40-degree (fahrenheit) weather. These past 3 days, it's been in the 60s and even 70s. I spent a whole day canvassing in Cleveland for the elections and it was PERFECT! It was sunny, windy, the fallen leaves were rustling and flying around, the little old-lady-neighborhood I was in was quaint and pretty and the typical American fall scene you associate with TV shows like the Wonder Years and Dawson's Creek. I heard Howard Dean speak and felt a little hope stir in my cold cold heart :) The winds of change might yet blow.
Which brings me to the last change - this time next week, America will (HOPEFULLY!!) know who will lead the country for the next four years. With this election being so close, pandits are forecasting all kinds of things. The craziest (but technically possible don't ask me how) scenario is when Bush is president but Edwards (Kerry's running mate) is the veep!!! Well, seeing as to how Cheney really runs the country anyway, that scenario doesn't really bother me then!


Blogger Parth said...

"time next week, America will (HOPEFULLY!!) know who will lead the country for the next four years" --- Don't count on it :-)

I was just thinking the other day. If Bush gets re-elected, in the future, whenever one wants to talk of America in a negativ tone, he will call it 'the country that re-elected Bush'

BTW, what do you mean you went canvassing?

8:10 AM  
Blogger RTD2 said...

Canvassing - I went door to door asking people to go vote on Tue, and asking them if they know who they are going to vote for, and giving them literature saying Bush is crazy and Kerry's da bomb! The funnest part of it was saying "Hi, I'm Zaara from" coz I have decided that my name for aam-american-junta is Zaara.Gets me to the end of the alphabet instead of the start, plus I love the sound of the name!
Tomorrow I am going to be 'supervisor' for a team working for America Coming Together, another democrat-supporting group. I saw another organization today calling themselves "Fush Buck" appealed greatly to my wicked sense of humor, so I wish I was working for them! With so many of them around, I sure hope Kerry fushes buck!

6:34 PM  
Blogger Parth said...

Man, Preeti Zinta and Yash Chopra would be flattered right now ... the movie releases on the 12th of November, but this Zaara is already canvassing for her Veer :-)))

1:46 PM  
Blogger Avinash said...

Hey aarti, I presume u wud be depressed rite now. But ur volunteering for Kerry has an cartoon equivalent! Read the past 4 or 5 PhD Comic strips at
They feature an international grad student called Tajel who actively campaigns against Bush!

7:54 PM  
Blogger phucker said...

Hey RT,
thanks for stopping by. I don't think the world will hate for too long, clearly the public truly does have a short memory, despite there being this thing called the Internet. Let's look at the silver lining - these 4 years will be Bush's last. And considering that Bush is most likely as awful as we and 46% of America think he is, I'm sure he'll mess up big time and be impeached (keeping fingers crossed). If not I guess we'll just have to "suck it up" <- A term I've seen used on many pro-Bush blogs...

11:01 AM  

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